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Cast Rehearsals & Show Info

First, let's celebrate!

Once we have the cast, we'll schedule a celebration for a date ASAP when everyone is available!

Weekly Rehearsals


  • Starting in early January on a night that works for everyone

  • If we can find a date or two in December that works for us, then that would be fun (!), but not expected

  • Both in St Pete and Sarasota (alternating each week)

Show Info!
April '23 | St Pete | Sarasota | Tampa


  • Starting in April '23 with 1-2 shows per month, in Tampa, St Pete, and/or Sarasota

  • Fewer shows at the beginning will "leave them wanting more!"  What about when our fans accuse us of teasing them (and their friends who want to go)!?  Exactly.

  • After about 3-6 months of building momentum, buzz, and sold-out shows (of course), we'll ramp up to weekly shows

  • Other offerings:  when the time is right, we'll also offer:  1) Private events/shows for birthday parties, engagement parties, wedding weekends, anniversary parties, 2) a PG-13 version of the show for high schools, and 3) I'm not telling.​


Pay - Absolutely


  • I am committed to having a happy cast!

  • Pay will be commensurate or higher (!) for improv shows

  • In the first 3-6 months, we'll tease our fans with sold out shows that are less frequent (vs. more shows that are not sold out).  This will maximize improvisor pay per show

  • Over time, we'll expand our show calendar based on ticket demand, keeping "sold out shows" as a priority.  This will grow our buzz as well as our pay per show

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